Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Exploring Colorado

Trying out new territory and establishing my "Roses Creativity" in this area. I'd met a few folks last fall and have found many friendly and receptive people since I've been here. Needless to say, it's still a bit unnerving to re-establish oneself.

I've been balancing re-working my mission statement and brochure and how I view what I'm doing with going out and meeting at least one new business a day. Persistence pays off and I am grateful for the slow, but definite, re-establishment of a community and place to express my creativity.

Sophie and Mariea in Manitou Springs are the Best! Both are hanging one of my quilts in their stores and always have an encouraging word.

And there are all the others I am just getting aquainted with, Ahriana of EcoSpirituality, Kathleen of Range Photography, Clara of Organica, Lisa of Envi and many others who have been very friendly and welcoming.

Here's a picture of Sophie hanging my quilt outside her shop. Thank you Sohpie!

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