Friday, January 14, 2011

Full Circle - Transforming Agent Orange into Abundance

When I was very young, I had my tonsils removed. Perhaps ordinary in 1967, but the stay in the hospital was extraordinary for me. My roommate for 3 days was an older Vietnamese girl named Ping who was in the hospital for reconstructive surgery from the damage from Agent orange. These 3 days have haunted me and been on the "I don't know what to do with this experience" list all these years until a few weeks ago.

I confess I felt hugely awkward and guilty at the age of 5. This girl had everything taken from her -- her country, her family and her face. I had everything. My family came to visit me and brought me a huge bag of gifts, made lots of noise and left. I did not know what to make of this awkward cavern in circumstances. Oddness has surrounded that memory for the past 40-something years.

And then something shifted. At a holiday gift exchange a few weeks ago, I received this gorgeous embroidered Vietnamese image of beautiful abundance. This image (above) gives me the feeling that there is plenty for us all. Enough food. Enough beauty. Enough Love. We are all blessed.

And ... then I learned that the giver of this lovely Vietnamese art had bought it over there from a shop run by victims of Agent Orange. At that instant, I saw her face and I felt her love. We are all blessed. Now share our blessings.

There are times in all of our lives that feel odd. Perhaps something happened that was unfair or very unfortunate. We all have some of those stories. For me, it is the act of exploring my creative soul and sharing my blessings that shifts those awkward moments into a feeling of dreams come true.

May 2011 bring you all your dreams come true.